


Nursing students have a stringent education process because they must prove they can safely care for patients. During clinical courses, students are measured and assessed through observation and exams. Practical skills are developed, and students learn how to care for multiple patients and their needs.

大多数人都以某种方式经历过医疗保健, 无论是因为自己的病还是因为家人的病. 这些经历很艰难, and the nurses caring for them or their loved ones significantly impact that experience. Students who choose nursing as their major at Geneva have often shared about feeling called to nursing because of how nurses cared for them or a loved one. These nurses went above and beyond and left a lasting impression on them.

在路加福音, 第十章, 诗25-37, an religious law expert asked Jesus how to qualify to enter the kingdom of God. The expert in religious law knew the minimum requirements according to what had already been written in the law and wanted to know if he met the minimum requirements. Jesus talked to the crowd about love and going above and beyond. In this story, a man's own people passed by him when he was hurt and lying on the side of the road. 然而, 一个不太可能的人出现了, 帮助他, 照顾他, and returned to check to see he was being cared for appropriately (Luke 10:25-37, 新生活翻译).

This man's story resonates with nurses because we feel that is what we are supposed to do! 然而, Jesus wants us to go above and beyond our tasks and recognize deeper needs. I remember a day when my phone rang at my desk, and I didn't recognize the extension. 来电显示显示是X房间. As I said hello, the voice on the other end of the phone asked if he was calling the pharmacy. 我说没有,他说:“没关系,我会问我的护士。.我很好奇,意识到这是病房里的一个病人. 他很快告诉我他需要假牙膏. 我知道了他的名字,告诉他我会努力的.

I could have called his nurse and relayed this, but I called the pharmacy instead. After saying they would send it up, I realized it might take a while, and lunchtime was coming. 我主动提出把它捡起来交给病人. 我敲开病人的门,告诉他我是谁, 他很惊讶我这么快就给他送了奶油. I could feel a prompting to find out his story and not just drop the cream off and leave. 在一次充满感情的谈话中, 我了解到他的妻子目前在另一家医院, 他看不见她. After offering prayer to the patient, I was compelled to help his situation. Others jumped in to help the patient Facetime with his wife so he could be reassured she was okay, 帮助他自己康复.

Had I only done what was required, I would have missed his need. 表面上看,他需要用假牙膏. But Jesus asks us to recognize deeper needs (heart needs) and see others as God sees us. 新濠天地app可以求神给新濠天地app想要的,但神却供应新濠天地app所需要的. So Jesus's reply to the expert in the law challenges us to use our training, 做新濠天地app职业的管家, 并提供 需要 别人的.


-Lynette Fair, MSN, PhD, Professor of Nursing, Director of Nursing/Department Chair

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