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调用 一个词是否有时用来表示兴趣、职业、目的或愿望. But does that fully encompass its meaning? 调用是一个复杂的概念,因此不能归结为一个简短的字典定义. Krista Autrey, director of the Center for 调用 and 职业生涯, provides some insight on the full meaning of calling.


Faithfulness in Circumstances

正如克里斯塔所揭示的,“召唤始于对你所处的任何时刻的忠诚. 想想在你目前的生活环境中,忠诚是什么样子的.一个很有帮助的例子是关于马特身上的天赋的寓言. 25和路加福音19. Three workers were given money to manage by their master. While each worker was given a different amount, 所有人都被期望忠实于他们所得到的——就像新濠天地app每个人都被期望忠实于新濠天地app所得到的环境一样. 追求一种使命始于接受你在生活中被赋予的东西,并在这种情况下寻求忠诚.

Fluidity of 调用

调用 is not a one-time offer. A person may have m任何 different callings in their life. 克里斯塔将召唤视为一种流动的体验,而不是单一的终身目标. 她说, “Some callings will remain throughout your life, but m任何 will change depending on the season you are in.“当你离开大学的时候,你很可能会感受到一种对某个特定领域的召唤, and later experience a calling in a different direction. 同样的, 你可能会发现你作为父母的呼召取代了你在某一特定领域工作的呼召. 当你经历人生的不同阶段时,你的呼召也会成长和改变.

Conflicting 调用s

While it may be a comfort to know you have multiple callings in life, 当你觉得你被召唤到不同的方向时,你可能会感到困惑. How can you determine which direction is the correct path? Krista recommends, “尽你所能对这两个呼召都忠心,让神为你关上正确的门.” She provides an example from her own life.

Early in her career, 克里斯塔觉得自己被呼召去做校园事工,并在国际上担任一些职务. She felt there was no path in which she could follow both callings. 但尽管如此, 她忠实地从事这两种职业,希望上帝在她需要选择的时候为她指明道路. In this season of waiting for God’s direction, a newly created role that perfectly combined her two callings opened up; it was almost as if this job description had been written specifically for her. 她接受了这份工作,意识到“上帝一直对我有一个计划.”

While your story may not look just like Krista’s, trust that if you seek to listen to God’s callings in your life, He will ultimately make your path clear. It may be through the closing of a door, the opening of a new and unexpected door, or through peace and clarity in a decision. 然而 He chooses to work in your life, trust that He has a plan. Do your best to be faithful in the opportunities He gives you.

Identifying 调用

你可能会努力去识别,而不是看起来像职业冲突 任何 calling in your life. Krista provides advice in this experience. Start right where you are and begin to ask yourself basic questions: Who am I close to? What are my roles? What is my current moment? 一旦你考虑了这些间接的问题,开始考虑更深层次的问题: What are my main callings in this season? What does faithfulness look like in these callings now? What activities inspire and bring me joy, even if they are challenging? 在问自己这些问题的过程中,你可能会发现一个尚未被发现的使命.

虽然实现人生的使命可能需要时间,但要有耐心. Seek faithfulness in your current moment as you wait upon the Lord.

Collective 调用s

调用s are not always individual pursuits. As God is at work within communities, 有时你可能会为了集体的使命而牺牲个人的欲望. 这个呼召可能是对你的人际关系、家庭、教会或社区的忠心. 有时, 这个呼召可能与你的个人兴趣或愿望不一致,因为你被呼召为社区目标服务.


No matter the season of your life, 想想神是如何呼召你的,以及在任何情况下你如何能忠心. 当你试图辨别你的召唤和实际的步骤来发现它们, talk with people whom you trust — and most importantly, 与上帝对话. As Proverbs 3:5-6 states, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths.”


Mattigan Burleigh '24



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