National Aviation Day-新濠天地app
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Celebrating Flight on National Aviation Day

Picture of Celebrating Flight on National Aviation Day


Orville Wright

National Aviation Day was established in 1939 by Franklin D. Roosevelt to celebrate the development of aviation. 选择这个吉祥的日子是为了纪念奥维尔·赖特,他出生于1871年8月19日. Mr. 总统公告发布时,赖特还活着,并参加了9次国家航空日庆祝活动,这些活动鼓励美国公民参与与航空有关的活动.

NASA’s Role in Aviation

1939年,美国国家航空航天局的前身,国家航空咨询委员会(N.A.C.A.), 24岁的他已经在研究如何让飞机“飞得更快”了吗, 更高的, farther, and with more cargo and passengers.” In 2017, you’ll find NASA-developed technology in every U.S. aircraft and air traffic control tower in operation.

着眼于满足未来全球航空界的需求, NASA的航空创新者目前正在改进现有的设计,并利用最先进的技术:

  • Improve airplane aerodynamics
  • 减少一些有害排放物排放到大气中
  • Reduce fuel consumption
  • Make airplanes of all sizes quieter
  • Improve the efficiency of air traffic control, in partnership with the Federal Aviation Administration
  • 设计、建造和飞行各种称为实验飞机的飞机 X-planes to demonstrate 21st-century ideas for flight

An Exciting Time to be a Pilot

美国国家航空航天局建议,国家航空日应该用来“激发和激励你认识的年轻人,把探索航空作为未来的职业。.“事实上,从来没有像现在这样需要合格、熟练和有经验的飞行员. Aircraft manufacturer Boeing explains, 随着全球经济的扩张,航空公司将在未来20年内接收数万架新的商用喷气式飞机, 人们对驾驶和维护这些飞机的需求非常大.”

Between now and 2036, the aviation industry will need to supply 637,000 new commercial airline pilots, 648,000 new maintenance technicians, and 839,000 new cabin crew to fly the 41,波音公司预计到2036年将有30架新的商用飞机投入使用, according to the 2017 Boeing Pilot and Technician Outlook. These figures represent a 3.2 percent increase over Boeing’s 2016 report.


  • Asia Pacific: 253,000
  • North America: 117,000
  • Europe: 106,000
  • Middle East: 63,000
  • Latin America: 52,000
  • Africa: 24,000
  • CIS/Russia: 22,000

Stretch Your Wings and Soar on National Aviation Day

云上的空气很清新,很清新,很清新. And why shouldn't it be? — it is the same the angels breathe.

Mark Twain

If you’ve always wondered if being a pilot is for you, 在离你最近的通用航空机场找一所飞行学校,那里有打折的入门飞行课. 美国国家航空航天局建议你也可以看看当地的飞行俱乐部或你所在地区的民用空中巡逻队. 让你的脚牢牢地踩在地面上,感受飞翔的感觉, 看看这个微软的飞行模拟器X的试用版,其中包括两个机场, two missions, and three different aircraft, all taking place in the Caribbean. The best way to soar? With a solid education.

Geneva College, 与海狸县社区新濠天地app(CCAC)合作, offers dual degree majors in Business & Aviation and Missions & Aviation. Concentrations include Professional Pilot, Air Traffic Control, Aerospace Management and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV).

 If you’d like to learn more about the biblically based, Christ-centered education at Geneva, we’d love to help your future take flight. For more information on how Geneva College 可以帮助您追求您的航空事业目标,请致电855-979-5563或发邮件至

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Aug 18, 2017

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